"A ".ged" file is a GEDCOM file which is the acronym for "GEnealogical Data COMmunication" (GE-D-COM). GEDCOM was developed by the Family History Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS Church) to provide a flexible, uniform format for exchanging computerized genealogical data. A GEDCOM file can be imported, depending on how it was created, into most genealogical programs. Originally, any GEDCOM could be opened in any genealogical program. However, since the introduction of non-roman characters to some programs, e.g. PAF (Personal Ancestral File), there are various types of GEDCOM to select, depending on who is going to be receiving it and the program they use. To quickly view the contents of a GEDCOM file they can be viewed, in text format in Notepad, MS Write or any text editor. However, the best way, is to import it into a genealogical program, like PAF, and see it set out correctly. PAF can be downloaded for FREE from http://www.familysearch.org It's a very, full featured and excellent program and is used by literally thousands of people around the world.
"Hope this helps...
""**** For PAF 5 users, join us at Yahoo!Groups. Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAF5-USERS Post your queries, add a hint or just help us with your expertise! PAF 5 is available for free download from
http://www.familysearch.org/ ***************"
Web (Google) search on [ .ged file format ]
FamilyTree Maker®
http://www.familytreemaker.com/ |
FTM 2005 , $29.95 + 6 shipp. NO DOWNLOAD??!! |
Family Origins® | http://www.familyorigins.com/ |
Obsolete, use FTM |
File |
http://survey.familysearch.org/pafreg/PAF5Registration.asp?LocCode=DIST |
PAF 5.2, FREE |
(view only) |
http://www.mudcreek.ca/downloading_genviewer.htm |
mudgv119.exe |
Reunion |
(Apple Mac program) |
Reunion 8, $99.95 |
(Apple) |
Shareware Rel. 4.3.4 April, 04 |
Genealogical Information Manager (GIM) | http://www.gimsoft.com/
(msdos program) |
Shareware, 1 year trial |
FAMILY REUNION | http://www.filebot.org/Education/Home-Inventory/item4335-1.htm |
No ver., $29.95 Obs. by FW |
FAMWARE (former FamReun.) |
http://www.famware.com/ |
Family Software 2005 $50.00 |
http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/ |
Now at ver 5, $19.95 |
Ancestral Quest® |
Master Genealogist® | Found only UK editions from Australia |
US unavailable? AUD110.00 $82.50 |
Ultimate Family Tree® |
"PAF 4 was basically a copy of Ancestral Quest with modifications."http://www.paf-review.com/forum/profile.php?mode=register&agreed=true&sid=7d16bcf12c304e44d61a70b4190f77bc
More links to software tools, with very brief descriptions.
http://www.genhomepage.com/commercial.html#comersoftHOW TO MAKE A GEDCOM Instructive page prepared by GEN SERV. The site gives instructions for making Gedcoms using the following (programs and versions are OBSOLETE):
- Family Origins 4.0 or 5.0
- Genealogical Information Manager (GIM)
- Family Tree Maker 3.0
- Reunion
- Roots VI
- Personal Ancestral File (PAF 2.31)
- Family Tree Maker 4.0b, FTM 5.x (Win95, WinNT and Win98)
Details, details, details:
- OK - Remove unsecured .ged file from the website.
- Update the existing .ged file to correct errors and add later information not included, using a GED capable family history program.
- Add folder password protection to the pivonka.net website, using Apache server controls and .htaccess file instructions.
- Post full updated .ged file to password protected folder.
- Use GED to web page conversion program, or a feature in a family history program to create a full HTML version of the updated GED file to the password protected web folder.
- Use a specialized program or feature of a family history program to generate a version of the GED file with information about living individuals and mother's maiden names deleted, and post that to a public page.
- Post a censored HTML version of the GED file to a public web page.